So I don't know if many of you know this, but I work at a bank...Zions Bank to be exact, as a teller. And even though i never though that it would happen to me, I was robbed. I mean, well, the bank was robbed and I just happened to be the teller at the station the man picked. It all happened so fast that I didn't know what to do really...the whole flight or fight thing kicked in and I guess that my adrenaline was pumping so much that I was probably in shock. So here is what happened on what I would call the worst day at work ever.
I was just cleaning my station, because well people who come into our office aren't always the most pleasant or cleanest looking people. We go through disinfectant like its going out of style and I had just helped a slew of those kind of people. So after a thorough cleaning...I am pretty sure that my finger prints were the only ones on the counter top. This man, that was the criminal...kept walking back and forth as if he was scoping out the place (of course non of this made any sense until after we had already been robbed and I was standing in the back room hyperventilating). He was one of those guys that you look at and he gives you nightmares he was about 6'4", 260 lbs, had a buzzed type hair cute with his brown hair, a nasty grueling jagged face that looked like he had some pretty bad scaring from acne or something like that. ( I only know because this whole scene has played through my mind a million times.) So he put this piece of paper on my station desk that said (and i am paraphrasing because he grabbed the note right after i read it) " This is a robbery, I have a Gun, give me all of your money, No Tracing devices Now.!" At first I thought that it was a joke because I never thought that this would happen to me, but when I looked up at his face I knew this wasn't a Joke. It all kind of went blank after that. I just did what the little training we had on it told me to do. I started to hand him my money...I made sure that what ever traceable devices we had went with him, and I thought it was over. But he wasn't quite happy with what I had given him (you see crooks can be quite greedy some times). So he told me that he wanted 100's and 50's and to hurry up, so I handed him the rest of my money because I didn't give him all of it in the first place. He then told me to go to the back. I didn't know what he meant and I told him I couldn't do that because we cant go back there alone, then he kept saying Go to the back, GO TO THE BACK! so I did and he left. we called the police, my manager, our regional manager and everyone got there pretty fast. I am very impressed with the American Fork Police because they go there and did the best that they could to try and calm me down...even though I was a mess! It was like I was an instant river of tears that wouldn't stop. I only stopped crying when I had to concentrate really hard about the details that I had to explain to the Police, Detective, FBI, and bank representative. So lets just say that I am sick of having to sit down and tell whoever how it happened...So I figured that this would be the best outlet for me. To share the story my way, and not have any questions asked, just tell it how I remember. So for all of you who are thinking about working at a bank...if you don't think it will happen to you just remember that you never know and always prepare yourself.