Monday, March 8, 2010

Education Station

This past weekend, TJ and I decided to head up to the Hill Aerospace Museum. I had never been there and needed some place to go for a school project. It was actually pretty cool. Not as long as a drive as originally thought, and it has some really interesting Fighter planes. Plus the little old man, with no teeth, and a veterans hat to greet you is almost worth the trip alone. He was awesome! I highly suggest if you have nothing to do some weekend, head up there. It was really interesting, highly educational and even the most Manly Men will enjoy this museum!


Josh and Rach said...

Ha, I love how every three months you just have some random post and then nothing in between, you are funny. Hope you guys are doing well!

Kayla R. said...

HOW FUN!!! what a cool idea:) miss you Chels

emily+brett said...

what! a new post! yes. keep with it! i too love the random posts.

Carrie said...

I wanna go. I have always talked about going there. How Fun!

Truly and Shane said...

im going to see the little old man in the verterans hat!!!!!!!!!